Saturday, April 22, 2006




Friday, April 21, 2006



Facts About Slavery

We know now that some slaveholders held multiple slaves, we also know now that of the 261,988 free blacks over 28% held slaves, that would be over 68,000 slaveholders.

We also know now that the jews were large slaveholders, 75% of jews owning black slaves. That would mean they had over 150,000 slaveholders (based on a jewish population estimated at 200,000 in 1860).

This means that between the blacks and jews they accounted for 218,000 slaveholders out of a total of 385,000 slave owners.

In fact this means that fewer than 150,000 whites out of a population of 27,000,000 owned slaves, or around 0.5% compared with 75% of jews and 28% of blacks.


Not only were whites not the greatest slave holders per capita, in fact we were not even the majority of slaveholders, these were non-whites.

So remind me again why we're meant to feel guilty?

slavery would not have existed in the Americas without the jews.

2. Who was it who captured the slaves?

Read What General Lee's Negro Slave Has To Say About Him


"I was raised by one of the greatest men in the world. There was never one born of a woman greater than Gen. Robert E. Lee, according to my judgment. All of his servants were set free ten years before the war, but all remained on the plantation until after the surrender."

"My master, at his death, left me $360 to educate myself with."

The fact that the war had set him free was of small moment to him, and he stayed with his old master until his death.

"Having stayed on Marse Robert's plantation 18 years after the war and with limited schooling, I am not ashamed to give my history to the world that it might cause some of the young negroes who have school advantages from childhood and early youth, to consider life more seriously and if men of my type had lived in their time, how far they would exceed them along lines of religious, educational and business activities."

[These are words written by William Mack Lee in his autobiography which he wrote to help raise funds for his church. Despite the false claims that many negro slaves suffered at the hands of their White masters, we have here a firsthand account from a freed negro slave that points to the contrary.] SOURCE: Autobiography of Rev. William Mack Lee

For those of you who question whether any source provided by WN is credible, I remind you that the above link points to an University Of North Carolina (UNC) website.

It is a fact that while there were some instances of slave abuse, most slaves regarded their masters similarly. I believe that this is a historical point of fact that will reveal itself eventually as the accepted alternative is simply too fictitious to stand indefinitely.

It is also a fact that black slaveowners in many instances were much harder on their slaves than white slaveowners; a subtlety in history that may come to public light if society will ever recognize that black people in fact were slaveowners.

I would encourage everyone to get a copy of "The South Was Right!) if they have not done so already. It demonstrates the point here among other things and is a very easy read. Here's some examples of slave sentiment from the Works Projects Administration's journals interviewing ex-slaves during the late 30's -a project hidden under the rug after it was discovered that the majority of slaves felt this way:

Simon Phillips, AL
"People has the wrong idea of slave days. We was treated good. My Massa never laid a hand on me the whole time I was wid him...Sometime we loaned the massa money when he was hard pushed."

Mary Rice, AL
"I was happy all de time in slavery days, but dere ain't much to git happy over now...."

Sarah and Tom Douglas, AL
"Slavery times wuz sho good times. We wuz fed an' clothed an' had nothin to worry about..."

And as for the war....

Gus Brown, Richmond VA
"The Yankees didn't beat us, we wuz starved out!....I am a Confederate Veteran."

James Gill, Marvell, AR
"...all dem good times ceasted atter a while when de War come and de Yankees started all dere debbilment [devilment]. Us was Confederates all de while....But de Yankees, dey didn't know dat we was Confederates....When de Yankees ud come dey would ax [ask] my mammy, 'Aunt Mary, is you seen any Se-sesch [secessionists] today?' and mammy, sheud say, 'Now-suh' eben iffen she had seen some of us mens, but when any our sojers ud come and say 'Aunt Mary, is you seen any Yankees 'round here recent?' she ud allus [always] tell dem de truf."

It's hard to get more authoritative than this -interviews conducted by representatives of the vanquishing government. Of course the reason this hasn't come to public light in any real way is because the responses weren't exactly what they had in mind when they began their little project.
Simon Philips, AL
People has the wrong idea of slave days. We was treated good. My Massa never laid a hand on me the whole time I was wid him....Sometime we loaned the massa money when he was hard pushed."

Elijah Henry Hopkins, Little Rock, AR
"I was fed just like I was one of the [master's] children. They even done put me to bed with them. You see, this discrimination on color wasn't as bad then as it is now. They handled you as a slave but they didn't discriminate against you on account of color like they do now. In slavery times, a poor white man was worse off than a nigger."

Sarah and Tom Douglas, AL
"Slavery times wuz sho good times. We wuz fed an' clothed an' had nothin to worry about..."

Jane Georgiana, AL
"Ole Marster dead an' gone an' Ole Mistis too, but I 'members 'em jus' lak dey was, when dey looked atter us whenst we belonged to 'em or dey belong to us, I dunno which it was...De times was better fo' de war....I goes to church an' sings an' prays, an' when de good Lord teks me, I'se ready to go, en I specs to see Jesus an' Ole Mistis an' Ole Martser when I gits to de he'benly land!"

Gus Brown, Richmond VA
"I cannot forget old massa. He was good and kind. He never believed in slavery, but his money was tied up in slaves and he didn't want to lose all he had. I knows I will see him in heaven and even though I have to walk ten miles for a bite of bread, I can still be happy to think about the good times we had then."

one last one...

Cora Gillam, Little Rock, AR
"I'll tell you lady, if the rough element from the North had stayed out of the South the trouble of reconstruction would not have happened....they tried to excite the colored against their white friends. The white folks was still kind to them what had been their slaves. They would have helped them get started. I know that. I always say that if the South could of been left to adjust itself both white and colored would have been better off."

I have many more of these if I haven't yet shattered your fallacious vision of Southern history as "Roots".

Maybe next February, Stormfront should encourage the enlightenment of Black Americans by providing real instances of black history.


Martin Meredith in his book The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair.

Africans are clearly to blame for their own problems.
How to deal with the Native American argument?

Whites were actually there first! Those who go back hundereds of years can also go back thousands

Check these findings to see "who was there first"

Might I respectfully recommend

'The Inequality of Human Races' by Count Arthur de Gobineau.

Written in 1852, Gobineau meticulously documents the causes for the rise and fall of civilizations and concludes that race-mixing is the cause for the downfall of empires.

He also concludes that the Negro and Mongoloid races are truly wretched and have only ever achieved civilization when their blood have been admixtured with that of the Aryans -


The Savaged States of America: A Futuristic Fantasy

by Kevin Beary

A balkanized America divided and ruled by crazed feminists and minorities
run amok: it may sound a lot like the present, but this brilliantly written
novel blends satire and outrage in a searing, Orwellian portrait of a future
America -- an America that may soon be upon us. How Shakespeare's Julius
Caesar reads as translated into Ebonics by the black despot of
"Malcolmland"; how the cringing, chemically castrated white men of the
(Northeastern) "Corridor" keep house as their wives rule the roost; banquets
of "mystery meat," Aztec-style, in the new "Aztlan"; the poignant expiry of
the last traces of the old timers' old America in the shadow of the Statue
of Liberty. Beary writes with unsparing frankness on sex as practiced in a
decaying America, while his fine ear for comic dialogue and sharp eye for
excruciating detail bring the horrors of multiculturalism into Swiftian

Pb; 323 pp; $10.00.

Noontide Press


If you're a typical VICE reader, you're about halfway through elementary school-or maybe you're a member of the magazine's ever-expanding preschool readership.

Either way, you're very young, and your mind and sexuality are easily molded by bad people who want to hurt you.

There are a lot of bad people in the American educational system who are being forced by a lot of bad people in the financial world to tell you a lot of bad facts about history that are designed to make you feel bad about yourself.

This is especially true if you're a WHITE schoolchild.

If you're white like Uncle Jim, your teachers will try to convince you that you're responsible-even though you're only, what?, eight years old?-for a bunch of bad, bad things that happened a long, long time ago.

If you're a black schoolchild, I'm sure your parents will have plenty of excuses for why your ancestors were enslaved.

But chances are that you're white-at least for the next generation or two, those are the chances-so I've collected a bunch of DUMB MYTHS and SMART FACTS about slavery that you can use to clown your teachers and everyone else at school!
Dumb Myth:
Slavery is a bad, dirty thing that only happened to black people in America before the Civil War.

Smart Fact:
Black slavery in America was pretty bad, kids, but it wasn't anything special. Throughout history, every color of the rainbow has owned slaves and been enslaved.

The dictionary tells us that the root word of "slave" is "Slav," because Slavic peoples-who are REALLY pale and white- were the primary slave population throughout the Middle Ages.

And though your teachers will never tell you this, there have been long stretches of history where Africans have owned white people as slaves!

How do you like THEM apples? The [racially white] empire of Carthage transported white slaves to Africa. The [black / Arab] African Moors ruled Spain for 500 years and sent white Christian slaves to [white / Arab] Egypt [where the white slaves, primarily from the Caucasus, eventually through a coup and seized control of the government]. And poor, defenseless white kids-just like you!-were kidnapped by Muslims during the Children's Crusade and sold into Egyptian slavery.
Dumb Myth:
White European Christians were solely responsible for the African slave trade.

Smart Fact:
No, kids-the blacks, Arabs, and Jews were involved, too.

• BLACKS: The president of an African country called Benin recently apologized to American blacks for his country's role in the slave trade.
Slavery was common throughout Africa, with entire tribes becoming enslaved after losing battles. Tribal chieftains often sold their defeated foes to white slave-traders.
In the late 1700s, a freed black American slave named Ottobah Cugoano wrote, "I was first kidnapped and betrayed by my own complexion, who were the first cause of my exile and slavery."

• ARABS: The word "Abed" means "slave" in Arabic. It also means "black."
The "Holy Land" of the Middle East has hosted far more African slaves than North America ever did.

• JEWS: The oldest synagogue in America was built by Aaron Lopez, a Jewish slave trader. Jewish writers such as Cecil Roth, Wilfred Samuels, Seymour B. Liebman, and Moshe Kahan acknowledge that Jews were involved in all levels of the African slave trade.

In fact, children, white Christians were the first group to make a
concerted effort to ABOLISH slavery.
Dumb Myth: America's a uniquely evil place because it imported all those slaves from Africa.
Smart Fact: Of the 10 to 15 million Africans who were transplanted to the New World, no more than 6 percent-around 400,000-went to the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all of them went to South America, but you don't see your teachers giving Brazil a hard time, do you?
Dumb Myth: Most whites owned slaves, so every white person shares guilt for American slavery.

Smart Fact: Blacks were never close to a majority in America [though they were, and are, a majority in some parts of the South], so it's mathematically impossible for most whites to have owned black slaves. At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves. If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.
Dumb Myth: Blacks never owned slaves in America.

Smart Fact: An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860. One study concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves.
Dumb Myth: There were no white slaves in America.

Smart Fact: Although your textbooks are silent about it, most historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as "slaves." White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s.
Dumb Myth: White "Indentured Servants" chose to come here and weren't treated as badly as black slaves.

Smart Fact: Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten-sometimes to death-and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom. It's possible that more whites came to America against their will than blacks.

Historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white
slaves were treated worse than black slaves [because they weren't
property, and their children weren't property, and thus there was no
incentive to maintain them longer than the term of their servitude.]
Dumb Myth: England only sent convict laborers to Australia.

Smart Fact: England only started sending convicts to Australia in 1776- when the American Revolution made it impossible for them to continue sending their convicts here. By 1776, more than 50,000 convict slave laborers had already been sent to America. That's a lotta criminals, kids!
Dumb Myth: White people need to pay financial reparations to black people.

Smart Fact: American blacks enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population on earth. Their average per capita income is TWENTY to FIFTY times higher than in any of the African countries from where they were displaced. It's [not] true that part of America's wealth was built on black slavery; it is also true that American blacks are enjoying the fruits of that wealth. You, fair child, whether you were born black or white, weren't born in debt to anyone. You were born free. Don't let the bad people take it away from you.
Dumb Myth: The Civil War was fought to end slavery.

Smart Fact: When General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, it had been nearly 20 years since Lee owned slaves-he freed his slaves in the late 1840s. In 1856, five years before the Civil War started, he wrote that slavery was "a moral and political evil." On the other hand, General Grant STILL owned slaves at the end of the Civil War, because Abe Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation cleverly outlawed slavery only in the South. Grant had stated that he would refuse to fight if he thought the war had anything to do with slavery. And hey, kids, even if it WAS fought to end slavery, how often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them?

Dumb Myth: Slavery ended with the Civil War.

Smart Fact: The US government estimates that 50,000 humans are brought into this country every year for the purpose of forced labor. Various agencies estimate that there are anywhere from 27 to 200 million humans currently enslaved worldwide. (Compare this to only four and a half million slaves at American slavery's peak.) Most of these slaves live in South Asia, Africa, and South America. Their labor comes far cheaper and is much more profitable than black American slavery was. In many horrifying cases, poverty-stricken women sell their vaginas on the black market and become lifelong sex slaves to fat, stinky men for as little as $1,500. In today's dollars, a black slave in the American South cost approximately $40,000.

Remember, kids-the enemy's all around you, and he comes in all colors.

Slavery exists in so many ways, children. Open your eyes before they shackle your asses.

Jim Goad goes more into detail in his book The Redneck Manifesto.

See more of the facts on this from Jim Goad's book here.
Citing the official US Census of 1830, there were 3,775 free blacks who owned 12,740 black slaves.

Furthermore, the story outlines the history of slavery here, and the first slave owner, the Father of American slavery, was Mr Anthony Johnson, of Northampton, Virginia.

His slave was John Casor, the first slave for life. Both were black Africans. The story is very readable, and outlines cases of free black women owning their husbands, free black parents selling their children into slavery to white owners, and absentee free black slave owners, who leased their slaves to plantation owners.-"Selling Poor Steven", American Heritage Magazine, Feb/Mar 1993 (Vol. 441) p 90 ========================================================
Nazi Gassings Never Happened!


Of course, a full telling of Black History would not be complete without a telling of the origin of slavery in the Virginia colony:Virginia, Guide to The Old Dominion, WPA Writers' Program, Oxford University Press,
NY, 1940, p. 378

"In 1650 there were only 300 negroes in Virginia, about one percent of the population.

They weren't slaves any more than the approximately 4,000 white indentured servants working out their loans for passage money to Virginia, and who were granted 50 acres each when freed from their indentures, so they could raise their own tobacco.



Child slavery today in West Africa?

Slavery throughout history


Racial Myths and Realities

Myth #3
Lynching was another racist American institution that viscous whites inflicted upon innocent blacks.


In 1670, Virginia passed a law forbidding Negroes from buying white people..Free Negroes bought white people in such numbers in Louisiana that the state made a similar law in 1818.


Who Took the Slaves to America?

Slave Ship Owner(s)

Abigail Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks
Crown Isaac Levy, Nathan Simpson
Nassau Moses Levy
Four Sisters Moses Levy
Anne & Eliza Justus Bosch, John Abrams
Prudent Betty Henry Cruger, Jacob Pheonix
Hester Mordecai & David Gomez
Elizabeth Mordecai & David Gomez
Antigua Nathan Marston, Abram Lyell
Betsy Wm. De Woolf
Polly James De Woolf
White Horse Jan de Sweevts
Expedition John & Jacob Roosevelt
Charlotte Moses & Sam Levy, Jacob Franks
Caracoa Moses & Sam Levy
Remind me who is apologizing for slavery again?

This is a lengthy article, but well worth the time. It states who was a major force in the slave trades of early Africa and Europe and on up to the US trade as well. This should clear up any "white guilt" fence sitters may have. Lots of facts in this article that should be made public in our schools and media. Just one more effort at correcting history. Check the link.

Rape for Profit of White "Gentile"Women by Jews:

White Slavery
Happy 'Indigenous Peoples Day'
Multiracialist transformation of Columbus Day is a salvo in war against White people.
Thus it is transparent anti-White racism to create a holiday where Whites are asked to feel guilt for the crimes of fellow Whites but the other races are exempted from the same moral reflection and instead play the role of accusers.


A quarter of a century living daily with Asians.
Maybe you've seen my new thread about the (two-thirds Asian) state of Hawaii having the highest theft-larceny rate in all 50 states:
The unemployment rate in China is 50%, yet we're to believe they're they greatest civilization on Earth (according to what their government and culture teaches their people.)
Japan's bond rating is currently at the same level as Botswana's: a
Here's a story about a filipino with a GED who got nominated to attend the US Air Force Academy, but got shot dead in an alley first:
The Japanese American Citizens League is one of the 180 socialist and socialist-leaning orgs which sponser the "I AM an American" mindwashings.
Several other oriental orgs participate too.
If I go to China or Japan or Korea or the Philippines and live there for 30 years- the peoples of those countries will not be knocking themselves out to insist that I am a Chinese, a Japanese, a Korean, or a Filipino.
The very notion is ridiculous! -
As much so as it is ridiculous that you- an oriental- are a Westerner or a Canadian or an American.
You may hold the passport, and be able to vote...but you will never be a Westerner- nor have you ever been a Westerner!
Many White Canadians sorely regret having allowed Chinese to emigrate to Canada by ponying up money.

Canada is still lucky they are 83% White.
I've a lot of personal experience with America's Radical Minorities- Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Japanese etc.

The extinction of the Australian pygmies
Keith Windschuttle and Tim Gillin
June 2002
From the 1940s until the 1960s, it was fairly widely known there were pygmies in Australia.
( link for pics
Doctored evidence and invented incidents in Aboriginal historiography (, Australia)
['Doctored evidence and invented incidents in Aboriginal historiography' by Keith Windschuttle.
( Paper to conference on 'Frontier Conflict, National Museum of Australia, December 13-14, 2001.
See also K. Windschuttle's web page about the National Museum of Australia.]
Frontier Conflict( - the Australian Experience (National Museum of Australia, Australia) [A forum at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Thursday 13 - Friday 14 December 2001.
Much debate surrounds the history of conflict between Aboriginals and Europeans on the Australian frontier.
What actually happened?
What is the evidence?
How do we interpret it?
How do we remember the histories of conflict?
Why is the debate significant today?
In this two-day Forum, leading historians, social commentators and community leaders confront the issues from diverse perspectives.]
The Fabrication of Aboriginal History ( Reviews of Keith Windschuttle's new book (, Australia) [A number of articles, including: 'Paul Sheehan Our history not rewritten but put right.
Accusations of genocide have been based on guesswork and blatant ideology. Sydney Morning Herald, 24 November 2002.'
The site provides a section 'Keith Windschuttle replies to his critics'.]

Discussion of Gary Johns' paper,
'The Failure of Aboriginal Separatism'
Keith Windschuttle
One of those responsible for Palm Island was the Reverend Ernest Gribble. He had earlier been in Western Australia and was the missionary who reported the story of the Forrest River "massacre" in the Kimberley district in 1926.
As the Perth journalist, Rod Moran, has shown in his 1999 book Massacre Myth, Gribble was an emotionally disturbed man who fabricated most of the evidence on which the claims of a massacre were made. But Gribble is another of the heroes of Reynolds' book, This Whispering in Our Hearts.
Reynolds treats him simply as a whistle-blower about violence towards Aborigines and fails to discuss his role in Aboriginal policy
Whitewash confirms the fabrication of Aboriginal history, Quadrant, October 2003
================================================== ====
No Slander in Exposing Cultural Brutality
Another critic, the Tasmanian academic Shayne Breen, who labels Fabrication a "character assassination", nonetheless admits that Aboriginal women were traded to whites, as I recorded.
"There is some evidence that Aboriginal men, especially along the northern and south-eastern coastlines, used women as trading commodities,"
Breen writes. "Some of this trading was culturally sanctioned, some of it was not. Sometimes women willingly participated, sometimes they did not."
Aboriginal people are made from the same crooked timber as the rest of us. It is no slander to identify cultural practices they should leave behind.
Perpetuating a romantic view of hunter-gatherer society, which historically was just as bloody and brutish in Australia as on every other continent, does not serve reconciliation, which must eventually mean some kind of integration into modern, mainstream life.
The fabrication of history serves the interests of no one, except those white and black political and academic activists who have lived off its misrepresentations for far too long.
================================================== ========
Error nullius
To achieve reconciliation we don’t need history books - constant refrains of past wrongs. Reconciliation is not possible between us and the people of 1788 but it may be touched by Australians alive in 2003.
We may never be able to take politics out of history, but we can certainly take historians out of the courtrooms.
In the beginning, they say, was terra nullius - it wasn’t. And reconciliation is too important to be erected on such a shoddy foundation.
Mistakes in universities have effects in the real world.
Academics have shouldered a fashionable burden of guilt, but it’s time to put it down. Misled by one phrase, we imagine we know what happened at settlement when we don’t, and those we should be able to rely on are useless guides.
Reconciliation needs less confrontation and more goodwill: a history written in terms of goodies and baddies cannot be the basis for satisfying political aspirations of the 21st century.
================================================== ===
Enduring myth of 'noble savage' vs. a special at continuous war?
review by Keith Windschuttle of Steven A. LeBlanc, Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful Noble Savage, in Washington Times, August 17 2003 (
"History as a Travesty of the Truth", The Australian, December 9 2002
Keith Windschuttle, The Fabrication of Aboriginal History: Volume One, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847, Macleay Press
Table Ten: Aborigines killed by whites, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1834. Revised version
Table Eight: Aboriginal killings by colonists recorded by G. A. Robinson, 1829-1839
"Doctored Evidence and Invented Incidents in Aboriginal Historiography", Paper to conference on Frontier Conflict, National Museum of Australia, December 13-14, 2001
"When History Falls Victim to Politics", The Age, 14 July, 2001
"Black, White and Grey: the Truth about our Past", by Robert Murray, The Age, 13 July 2001
"Wrong on Mistake Creek", Australian Financial Review, 18 June 2001
"Selected Readings", The Australian's Review of Books, April 2001 (reply to Henry Reynolds' article in March 2001)
"Exposing academic deception of past wrongs", Sydney Morning Herald, 19 September 2000
"The myths of frontier massacres in Australian history, Part I:
The invention of massacre stories", Quadrant, October 2000
"The myths of frontier massacres in Australian history, Part II: The fabrication of the Aboriginal death toll", Quadrant, November 2000
"The myths of frontier massacres in Australian history, Part III: Massacre stories and the policy of separatism", Quadrant, December 2000
Washout: On the academic response to the Fabrication of Aboriginal History, by John Dawson. The latest front in the history wars, published December 2004. [launch speech by John Dawson]
The Killing of History
The Killing of History: How Literary Critics and Social Theorists are Murdering Our Past, revised international edition, Macleay Press, 1996
"History, truth and postmodernism",
The Great Debate, HSC Extension History, [Keith Windschuttle, Richard Evans and Behan McCullagh vs. Stephen Garton, Joy Damousi and Dirk Moses], University of New South Wales, 27 July 2002
"History, Truth and Tribalism",
Lecture for The Historical Society at University of Chicago, November 28, 2001 and Ashbrook Center, Ashland University, Ohio, November 26, 2001 [text] ... [audio version](
"The Real Stuff of History",
The New Criterion, March 1997; reprinted in Hilton Kramer and Roger Kimball (eds.) The Future of the European Past, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 1997
"The Killing of History", by Roger Kimball, The New Criterion, September 1996
"History must prevail against challenge of cultural studies", The Australian, Higher Education Supplement, November 23 1994
White Australia and Sixties-generation historians
In the entire period from 1803 when the colonists first arrived in Tasmania, to 1834 when all but one family of Aborigines had been removed to Flinders Island, my calculation is that the British were responsible for killing only 121 of the original inhabitants, mostly in self defence or in hot pursuit of Aborigines who had just assaulted white households. In these incidents, the Aborigines killed 187 colonists.
In all of Europe's colonial encounters with the New Worlds of the Americas and the Pacific, the colony of Van Diemen's Land was probably the site where the least indigenous blood of all was deliberately shed.
Why, then, have the historians of Tasmania told this story about genocide, frontier warfare and widespread bloodshed. I suggest several of the reasons in my book: to make Australian history, which would otherwise be dull and uneventful, seem more dramatic than it really was; to assume the moral high ground and flatter their own vanity as defenders of the Aborigines; in some cases to pursue a traditional Marxist agenda or to indulge in interest group politics of gender, race and class.
In contrast, the proper role of the historian is to try to stand above politics, difficult though this always will be.
Historians should assume a public responsibility to report their evidence fully and accurately, to cite their sources honestly, and to adopt as objective a stand as possible.
To pretend that acceptable interpretations can be drawn from false or non-existent or deceptively selective evidence is to abandon the pursuit of historical truth altogether.
Keith Windschuttle, ABC Classic FM interview by Jana Wendt, December 8 2004
White Australia's Myths, The Australian, December 6 2004 [full text] -- [more in Sydney Morning Herald] --[Tim Blair comments]
The Myth of South Sea blackbirding [The Australian on South Sea blackbirding] -- [more on blackbirding myth],00.html
Keith Windschuttle, launch speech, The White Australia Policy, December 6 2004
The White Australia Policy is nothing to be proud of, but nor is it anything before which we should cringe or apologise.
Australia is not, and never has been, a fundamentally racist country.
The race card, which the academic left has played for all its moral worth for the last thirty years, is a ring-in that should be dropped from political debate.
But, unfortunately, no one should hold their breath waiting for that to happen.
Frank Devine, launch speech, The White Australia Policy and Washout: On the academic respnse to the fabrication of Aboriginal history, December 6 2004
Keith considers the depiction of racism as the dominant force in Australian history to be a concoction of the past 50 years, by historians sacrificing scholarly discipline to ideology.
Their relentless campaign to make Australians "shudder with vicarious guilt at the colonial past" -- Eric Richard's phrase -- has been politically debilitating.
It has enabled constant denigration as "racist" of reasoned argument against approved positions on multiculturalism, immigration, aboriginal affairs, foreign relations and more.
With his new book, Keith Windschuttle adds momentum to the comment of Emeritus Professor Claudio Veliz, of Boston University, when he launched Fabrication in 2002 :
"It will change the course of Australia's intellectual history."
This is heroic work. May it continue.

The "goddess" Athena

Athena was a "goddess": with testicles.

Athena was a Caucasian who lived in Crete 5,000 years ago.

"The Parthenon" in Tennessee is a jew racist FRAUD.

Modern Greeks are descendants of the Arabs who left no stone unturned when they raped and pillaged ancient Greeks.

Click Athena to view the Athena Forum, click the jew to see the difference:

What the following story from racist jew Goetz-controlled Microsoft (who also "thinks" Hannibal was a nigger) "forgot" to include in the following article was a PICTURE of the "life size" statue of the "goddess" Athena which was just discovered in a 5,000 year old city in Crete. Had they done so, they would have discovered that this "goddess" has testicles (something jew Goetz clearly doesn't).

This "goddess" also has very masculine hands, face, and arms which don't look at all like a "goddess"--suggesting that the jew-controlled media is misrepresenting at LEAST this part of Greek "mythology", just as they're misrepresenting the racial appearance of people from the "middle East". THIS "GODDESS" IS A CAUCASIAN.



Looks like savage Mongol/Turkic nomads owe their horseriding ability and much of their art to Aryans.

This nine-year-old Mongolian girl, Meiramgul, is blond and may share genetic traits with the ancient Sarmations.

To uncover the genetic link between nine-year-old Meiramgul, the blond child of the mountains of western Mongolia, and the long-dead women warriors of the Eurasian steppes, researchers examined snippets of a particular type of genetic information called mitochondrial DNA.
Genetic Memory




(Note- (g)=gold , (s)=silver , (b)=bronze , (n)= negro , (c)=caucasian , (m)mongrel , (a)=asian
Womens Long Jump

LEBEDEVA Tatyana - RUS (g)-White
SIMAGINA Irina - RUS (s)-White
KOTOVA Tatyana- RUS (b)-White
Womens High Jump

SLESARENKO Yelena- RUS(g) -White
CLOETE Hestrie- RSA (s)-White
STYOPINA Viktoriya - UKR (b)-White
Womens Triple Jjump

MBANGO ETONE Franc. - CMR (g)-Black
DEVETZI Hrysopiyi - GRE(s) -White
LEBEDEVA Tatyana - RUS (b) -White

Women Heptathlon

KLUFT Carolina - SWE (g)-White
SKUJYTE Austra - LTU (s)-White
SOTHERTON Kelly - GBR (b)-White

Womens Pole Vault

ISINBAYEVA Yelena - RUS-(g)-White
FEOFANOVA Svetlana - RUS(s) -White
ROGOWSKA Anna - POL(b)-White

Womens Hammer Throw

KUZENKOVA Olga - RUS (g)-White
MORENO Yipsi - CUB (s)-Black
CRAWFORD Yunaika - CUB (b)-Black

Womens Javelin Throw/

MENENDEZ Osleidys- CUB (g)-Black
NERIUS Steffi - GER (s)-White
MANJANI Mirela - GRE (b)-White

Womens Discuss Throw/

SADOVA Natalya - RUS(g) -White
KELESIDOU Anastasia - GRE(s) -White
YATCHENKO Irina - BLR (b) -White

Womens Shot Put/

CUMBA Yumileidi - CUB(g) -Black
KLEINERT Nadine - GER (s)-White
KRIVELYOVA Svetlana -RUS (b)-White

Womens 400m Hurdles/

HALKIA Fani GRE(g)-White

Womens 400m Final/

WILLIAMS-DARLING Tonique - BAH(g) -Black
GUEVARA Ana - MEX (s)-Mongrel
ANTYUKH Natalya - RUS(b) -White

Womens 200m Final

CAMPBELL Veronica - JAM (g) -Black
FELIX Allyson - USA (s)-Black
FERGUSON Debbie - BAH (b)-Black

Womens 100m Final

NESTERENKO Yuliya - BLR (g)-White
WILLIAMS Lauryn - USA(s)-Black
CAMPBELL Veronica - JAM (b)-Black

Womens 800m Final

HOLMES Kelly - GBR (g)-Mongrel
BENHASSI Hasna - MAR (s)-Mongrel
CEPLAK Jolanda - SLO (b)-White

Womens 100m Hurdles

HAYES Joanna - USA (g)-Black
KRASOVSKA Olena - UKR(s)-White
MORRISON Melissa - USA (b)-Black

Womens 1500m Final

HOLMES Kelly - GBR(g) -Mongrel
TOMASHOVA Tatyana - RUS(s) -White
CIONCAN Maria - ROM (b)-White

Womens 5000m Final

DEFAR Meseret - ETH (g) -Black
OCHICHI Isabella - KEN (s)-Black
DIBABA Tirunesh - ETH(b)-Black

Womens 20km Walk

TSOUMELEKA Athanasia - GRE(g) -White
IVANOVA Olimpiada - RUS (s)-White
SAVILLE Jane - AUS(b)-White

Womens Marathon

NOGUCHI Mizuki - JPN (g)-Asian
NDEREBA Catherine - KEN (s)-Black
KASTOR Deena - USA(b) -White

Womens 10000m

XING Huina - CHN (g)-Asian
DIBABA Ejegayehu - ETH(s) -Black
TULU Derartu - ETH (b) -Black

Womens 4*100m Final

LAWRENCE Tayna(n) , SIMPSON Sherone(n), BAILEY Aleen(n) ,CAMPBELL Veronica(n) -JAM (g)-Black

FYODOROVA Olga(c) , TABAKOVA Yuliya(c) , KHABAROVA Irina(c) , KRUGLOVA Larisa(c) -RUS(s)-White

MANG Veronique(n) , HURTIS Muriel(n) , FELIX Sylviane(n) , ARRON Christine(m) -FRA (b)-Black

Womens 4*400m Relay Final/

TROTTER DeeDee(n) , HENDERSON Monique(n) ,RICHARDS Sanya(n) , HENNAGAN Monique(n) -USA(g)-Black

KRASNOMOVETS Olesya(c) , NAZAROVA Natalya(c) ,ZYKINA Olesya(c) , ANTYUKH Natalya(c) -RUS(s)-White

WILLIAMS Novlene(n), BURGHER Michelle(n) ,DAVY Nadia(n) , RICHARDS Sandie(n) -JAM(b)-Black

WHITE ->>> (g) = 9 , (s) = 14 , (b) = 14 // Total = 37
BLACK ->>> (g) = 9 , (s) = 6 , (b) = 8 // Total =
ASIAN ->>> (g) = 2 , (s) = 0 , (b) = 0 // Total = 2
MONGRELS ->>> (g) = 2 , (s) = 2 , (b) = 0 // Total = 4

Mens 100m Final

GATLIN Justin - USA (g)-Black
OBIKWELU Francis - POR (s)-Black
GREENE Maurice - USA(b) -Black

Mens 200m Final

CRAWFORD Shawn - USA(g)-Black
WILLIAMS Bernard - USA(s)-Black
GATLIN Justin - USA(b) -Black

Mens 400m Final

WARINER Jeremy - USA (g)-White
HARRIS Otis - USA (s)-Black
BREW Derrick - USA (b)- Black
Mens 800m Final

BORZAKOVSKIY Yuriy - RUS (g)-White
MULAUDZI Mbulaeni - RSA (s)-Black
KIPKETER Wilson - DEN (b)-Black

Mens 110m Hurdles

LIU Xiang - CHN (g)-Asian
TRAMMELL Terrence - USA (s)-Black
GARCIA Anier - CUB(b) -Black

Mens 1500m Final

EL GUERROUJ Hicham - MAR(g)-Mongrel
LAGAT Bernard - KEN(s) -Black
SILVA Rui - POR (b)-White

Mens 3000m Steeplechase

KEMBOI Ezekiel - KEN (g)-Black
KIPRUTO Brimin - KEN (s)-Black
KOECH Paul Kipsiele - KEN(b) -Black

400m Hurdles

SANCHEZ Felix - DOM (g)-Mongrel
McFARLANE Danny - JAM(s) -Black
KEITA Naman - FRA(b) -Mongrel

Mens 5000m Final

EL GUERROUJ Hicham - MAR (g)-Mongrel
BEKELE Kenenisa - ETH (s)-Black
KIPCHOGE Eliud - KEN(b)-Black

Mens 20km Walk

BRUGNETTI Ivano - ITA (g)-White
FERNANDEZ Francisco Javier - ESP(s)-White
DEAKES Nathan - AUS (b)-White

Mens 50km Walk

KORZENIOWSKI Robert - POL(g)-White
NIZHEGORODOV Denis - RUS(s) -White
VOYEVODIN Aleksey - RUS(b) -White

Mens Marathon

BALDINI Stefano - ITA (g)-White
KEFLEZIGHI Mebrahtom - USA (s)-Black
LIMA Vanderlei - BRA (b)-White

Mens 10000m Final

BEKELE Kenenisa - ETH (g)-Black
SIHINE Sileshi - ETH (s)-Black
TADESSE Zersenay - ERI (b)-Black

Mens 4*100m Relay


CRAWFORD Shawn ,GATLIN Justin ,MILLER Coby ,GREENE Maurice -USA(s)-Black

FASUBA Olusoji A. ,EMEDOLU Uchenna ,EGBELE Aaron ,ALIU Deji -NGR(b)-Black

Mens 4*400m Relay

HARRIS Otis(n) , BREW Derrick(n) ,WARINER Jeremy(n) ,WILLIAMSON Darold(n) -USA(g)-Black

STEFFENSEN John(m) , ORMROD Mark(c) , DWYER Patrick (c),HILL Clinton (c) -AUS(s)-White

GODDAY James , AUDU Musa ,WEIGOPWA Saul ,UDO OBONG Enefiok -NGR(b)-Black

Mens Shotput Final

BILONOG Yuriy - UKR (g)-White
NELSON Adam - USA (s)-White
OLSEN Joachim - DEN(b)-White

Mens Discuss Throw

ALEKNA Virgilijus - LTU (g)-White
KOVAGO Zoltan - HUN (s)-White
TAMMERT Aleksander - EST(b) -White

Mens Javelin Throw

THORKILDSEN Andreas - NOR (g)-White
VASILEVSKIS Vadims - LAT (s)-White
MAKAROV Sergey - RUS (b)-White

Mens Hammer Throw

MUROFUSHI Koji - JPN (g)-Asian
TIKHON Ivan - BLR (s) -White
APAK Esref - TUR (b)-White

Mens Long Jump

PHILLIPS Dwight - USA(g) -Black
MOFFITT John - USA (s)-Black
MARTINEZ Joan Lino E(b)SP-Black

Mens Triple Jump

OLSSON Christian - SWE(g) -White
OPREA Marian - ROM (s)-White
BURKENYA Danila - RUS(b) -White

Mens High Jump

HOLM Stefan - SWE (g)-White
HEMINGWAY Matt - USA(s) -White
BABA Jaroslav - CZE (b)-White

Mens Pole Vault

MACK Timothy - USA (g)-White
STEVENSON Toby - USA(s) -White
GIBILISCO Giuseppe - ITA (b)-White

Mens Decathlon

SEBRLE Roman - CZE(g)-White
CLAY Bryan - USA (s)-White
KARPOV Dmitriy - KAZ(b) -White
Olympics Website


WHITES ->>> (g) = 12 , (s) = 11 , (b) = 12 / Total = 34
BLACKS ->>> (g) = 8 , (s) = 13 , (b) = 10 / Total = 31
ASIANS ->>> (g) = 2 , (s) = 0 , (b) = 0 / Total = 2
MONGRELS ->>> (g) = 3 , (s) = 0 , (b) = 1 / Total = 4

WHITE MEN/WOMEN ->>> (g) = 21 , (s) = 25 , (b) = 26 // Total = 72
BLACK MEN/WOMEN ->>> (g) = 17 , (s) = 19 , (b) = 18 // Total = 54
ASIAN MEN/WOMEN ->>> (g) = 4 , (s) = 0 , (b) = 0 // Total = 4
MONGREL MEN/WOMEN ->>> (g) = 5 , (s) = 2 , (b) = 1 // Total = 8

We also dominate

Aquatics,Archery,Basketball(Mens-Gold/Silver-Womens-Silver/Bronze),Cycling,Equestrian, Fencing,Canoeing,Hockey,Sailing,Shooting,Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Handball, Shooting, Triathlon,Tennis,Wrestling(mens/womens).

Contrary to popular beliefs we also give a damn good account in the boxing arena, Holding the super heavy weight title and medal wise we come up in front, gold medal wise we come up behind.

We also hold our own in the Mens/Womens Weight Lifting arena holding many of the heavier divisions and evening out in the overall medal count.As well as lead the over all count in the Gymnastics.

We also dominate the non Olympic Strongman Competitions, The Ultimate Fighting Comps, Rugby, Cricket, Rugby League the most physicals and dangerous games on this planet..of course we could also include car racing, jockeys,speed racers,bike riders

As well as lead the overall medal count in the Gymnastics Arena.





Surprisingly, it would appear from Figure 5, that contrary to popular myth, Black males
have shorter erect lengths than their Caucasian counterparts

Negro Penis Size
John R. Baker

Ludwig Wolf, who made a study of the physical anthropology of the Baluba tribe,
remarks that 'As a general rule the male organ in its relaxed state is astonishingly strongly
developed;' but he was informed by Negresses who had cohabited with both Negrids
and Europids that, when erect, the organ is of about the same size in the two races.

Topinard had claimed that though the penis of Europeans was smaller than that of Negrids
when flaccid, it was larger than theirs when erect.



Death Begins in the Bedroom

...but choose life instead:

Racial mixing is genocide; fight against it.

The founders of America,Australia,Britain,Canada,Ireland,Sweden,Denmark etc etc believed racial mixing was wrong;

Today's media moguls tell us that racial mixing is good.

Which philosophy is better for us?
by Frank Roman

Frankly Speaking broadcast for November 6, 2005
download the broadcast (mp3)


Race is nothing to do with colour of skin, it's about dozens of things ranging from skeletal structure to haemoglobin carrying capacity to pure genetics to brain structure/mass/density.

Skeletal structure
'Normal' IQ
Blood Groups
Haemoglobin Carrying Capacity
In mtDNA especially.
Cranial Volume.
The structure of the brain.
The structure of the skull
Muscle Growth/Repair Capacity
Rate of Maturation
Rate of Gestation
Amounts of hormones produced
Respiration (especially Anaerobic)
Recovery Rates
Energy Storage
Creative IQ
Verbal IQ
Socialization techniques
Monogamous or Polygamous preferences
Mate preferences

The list goes on and on and on.

If all Black people reproduce with only Asians then two race groups will be exterminated. One will be formed in the place of two though two identifiable race groups have been systematically exterminated.

Reproduction is a biological system.

Human Species.

Human - Of, Pertaining to, or like Man or Mankind.

Species - A category of Animals or plants sub-ordinate to a genus and comprising of similar organisms with capacity for interbreeding.

Mankind - The Whole Human Species.

RACE - A subdivision of MANKIND having relatively common traits such as skin colour, stature, texture of hair,
- Any group by geography / nation / etc.
- Genealogical stock or family stock; clan.
Interbreeding - To breed (animals or plants) by uniting different varities, etc.
- To be mated with another variety.

Genealogy - A record of distant from some ancestor; a list of ancestors and their descendants.
- Descent in a direct line; pedigree.
-The science that treats of pedigrees

The whole point here is I agree that we are all members of the Human Species, with the ability to interbreed, but there is no necessity to interbreed.

Genocide: - The systematic extermination of a racial group, a national group or a gene pool.

A genocidalist. = One who promotes the systematic extermination of a racial or national group.

= One who is active in the systematic extermination of a racial or national group.

= A miscegenationist.

Miscegenation = reproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons)

= Miscegenation describes people of different human races producing offspring; the use of this term is invariably restricted to those who believe that the category race is meaningful when applied to the human species.
Barton: "I do not think that the doctrine of the equality of man was really ever intended to include racial equality. There is no racial equality. There is that basic inequality. These races are, in comparison with white races… Unequal and inferior."
(Barton, Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, 26 September 1901, p.5233)

When this was quoted there was no widespread terminology known as "White supremacist." and the quote was factual, not derogatory.

History is history.

Terminology is terminology.

THERE IS AN ANCIENT Indo-European proverb which goes like this:

"From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; from the confusion of races, the loss of memory; from the loss of memory, all understanding;
and from this - all evil."

Is it just me, or has racial mixing ( a sharp swing upward?

We seem to see it more often these days, don't we?

We see White women who have chosen non-White mates, often Blacks or Mestizos.

We see White men taking non-Whites, often Asians, as mates, too.

The clinical term for this is "miscegenation" which is defined as:

Main Entry: hybrid
Synonyms: amalgam, bastard, combination, composite, compound, cross, crossbreed, half-blood, half-breed, half-caste, incross, MISCEGENATION, mongrel, mule, outcross

read the rest of the story


Why White Girls Are Easy Fucks For Non White Males??

All this reminds me of an article I saw few month ago in Channel 4, a british media:

"Do white women really deserve the reputation of being labeled easy?"

The fact that white women are brainless wh*res for non-whites has even reached the Politically Correct, almost encouraged, in a popular mainstream media!

How can a sane white woman not find this article outrageously offensive?

This is a proof that the extra-european coalition has no respect for us.

The out-of-Africa theory is not FACT ,it is what it says it is - a theory. See link.

HIV Among Women has Doubled

"In NSW, the number of new HIV diagnoses among women almost doubled between 2003 and 2004," the report says.

More than half the HIV infections through heterosexual intercourse reported between 2000 and 2004 were among people from countries with a "high prevalence" of HIV, or whose partners were from a high-prevalence country.
+ 12 680 people were living with HIV/AIDS at the end of 2001
+ 7338 people are currently living with HIV/AIDS who were diagnosed when they were under thirty
+ 18 854 people had been diagnosed with HIV since 1981
+ 6174 people had died from AIDS
+ 697 people were diagnosed with HIV in 2001, 602 of these were men.
+ Transmission of HIV is predominantly through homosexuals, only 9% by intravenous drugs users.
+ At 2003, there were at least 1428 HIV active people in Queensland, including 10 deaths.
+ There have been 738 individuals diagnosed with HIV infection, 675 (91%) males in South Australia.
+ At least 76% was through homosexual contact.
+ At 2004, 24,245 people have been notified with HIV in Australia.
+ Of these, 9,500 had AIDS diagnoses.
+ Cumulatively, there have been 6,509 deaths.
+ 885 people were diagnosed with HIV in Australia during 2004.

In the ACT:
+ It shows that 278 people have been notified with HIV in the ACT: 246 men.
+ 6 men and 2 women in the ACT were diagnosed with HIV in 2004.
+ The majority of HIV suffers live in Sydney (well surprise, surprise )
+ Melbourne has one-third of Sydney in second place with 6,800. Western Australia has at least 1,500.
+ In Western Australia to September 2002, there have been 1,156 diagnoses of HIV infections, 420 diagnoses of AIDS and 288 deaths following AIDS. Approximately 89% of all HIV diagnoses are in men.

So, stay away from Blacks, Gays and Druggies - that's the message.
"The present policy is massive immigration of the Third World into White countries -- all White countries.
And only White countries. That's called genocide."

We do not trifle with divinity. No.

We are the heirs of customs and traditions hallowed by age and handed down to us by our fathers. (Euripides' Bacchae 200-2)

(King James Version)

Leviticus 18: 22. "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

In little more than three decades the countries of northwestern Europe (including Britain, Australia,Usa,Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Norway) acquired populations of non-European immigrants that are too large for the native populations to assimilate without negating or destroying their racial identity.

If their commitment to multiracialism and racial nihilism remains unchanged, and recent demographic trends in immigration, differential birthrates and racial intermixture continue, one can project that by the year 2100 the remnants of the native populations of northwest Europe etc will be too small to constitute a viable continuation of their previous existence.

They will be effectively extinct

A question i often get asked..and some responses

If someone close to you married someone who wasn't white ,Would it matter as long as they were in love?
"It has been made quite clear that we should have no History of Man at all, had there been no movements, creations, and achievements of the white man ...

Incomparibly fewer in number than the lower races, the ruin of the white races may be referred to their having been obliged to mix with them; whereby, as remarked already, they suffered more from the loss of their purity than the others could gain by the ennobling of their blood."

----- Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883)
The foundation of modern "scientific" racism was Gobineau's (1853-5) Essay on the Inequality of Human Races.

Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) was a one-time diplomat who held that humanity is divided into three races, white, yellow and black.

He considered that his reasoning established that the black race had an "animal character, that appears in the shape of the pelvis"; has a crude yet powerful energy; and dull mental faculties but has an "intensity of desire".

The yellow race has little physical energy; feeble desires; mediocrity; a respect for order; and "does not dream or theorise".

The whites have an energetic intelligence, perseverance, instinct for order, love of liberty, and sense of honour; they can be cruel, but when they are "they are conscious of their cruelty; it is very, doubtful whether such a consciousness exists in the negro".

We are White Nationalists,We are not haters

That question, correct me if I'm wrong, seems to stem from an idea that we are all vicous, feeble-minded, racists.

This notion is false.

We strongly support segregation and preserving our race amoungst other things.

So obviously, anyone who marries or procreates outside of their race is part of the problem we face.

We are here to preserve the White race and our heritage.

If you are against that, you're advocating genocide. Breeding a population with another population so that one or both of the populations do not retain their identity is what the U.N. council on human rights defines as genocide.

So, race mixing = genocide.

You can never term an act of genocide "love" Remember always, interracialists, that we love blood and race far more than life.

It is not merely our insistence on White unity that makes us stand out, but our unashamed passion and absolute love for our race

Interracialism , not racialism is vicious and vile hate in its purest form.

Where the hell were you when the Creator made the world that you feel you can reverse His work, by whatever name we might call Him?

All the people of the Earth, White , Yellow, Black and Red, have a right to survive as distinct races

Race is More Than Just Skin Deep: A Psychologist's View

Presents information on a study which defends the concept of race against a coordinated political campaign to deconstruct basic biology.

Information on a policy statement on race adopted by the American Association of Anthropology; Discussion on deconstructing race; Review on the differences among difference race.

Rather be single and celibate than to lay down with dogs.

Why can't people see the what's wrong with this? Even in the animal kingdom, one type of species doesn't breed with a different type.
My initial reaction is that in a free country, they should be free to choose such a relationship if so desired.

As I should feel free to assosiate with those whom I desire to have a relationship with; namely a White person of the opposite sex.

Take up the White Man's burden -
The savage wars of peace -
Fill full the mouth of Famine,
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
(The end for others sought)
Watch sloth and heathen folly
Bring all your hope to nought.

-Rudyard Kipling (1899)
"The new tolerance is a virtue of men who believe in nothing and those who cry the loudest for this tolerance believe in their own "ideals" of tolerance the least of all.

Real tolerance is not assimilating others' beliefs, but it is respecting those beliefs if they are worthy of respect.

Only the West, and especially European culture, is worthy of such great respect."
"Dream Places", in this country or anywhere else, do not just happen.

They are the products of a particular culture, people, and heritage, and replacing the culture, people, and heritage that created them with others will only eradicate them more quickly"-Sam Francis
When you look at it open-mindedly, this is not love.

It's selfishness. Someone wants just a little more attention than they are getting, so, without regards to the impact on others who love them, they need to do something 'different'.

Pathetic, but unfortunately real!
One of my nieces had a child with a black man.

The child stands out at any family gathering, she doesn't fit in, she can't. It bothers me that she will never fit in, blacks won't accept her because she isn't, and whites won't either.

She will grow up in limbo, all because of a moment of weakness.
Lemme just state this: contrary to popular belief, one can choose whom he loves.
Personally, I want my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents, not some kind of half-breed racial amalgam.
You will soon outgrow a hard on. Children are the most important investment you can make.

Do it white, or abstain.
No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke

Homogeneity works, diversity doesn't >>2 parts<<

Western World Politics: Homogeneity works, diversity doesn't : Part 1 - Homogeneity

Western World Politics: Homogeneity works, diversity doesn't Part 2 - Diversity

Serres, a French medical anatomist wrote:

'Their conclusion is that the Negro is no more a white man than a donkey is a horse or a zebra - a theory put into practice in the United States of America, to the shame of Civilisation'

Yet he managed to hold the view that recapitulation was the answer, and that Blacks were like white children and Mongolians like white adolescents.

He had some trouble getting his data to agree with this hypothesis but settled on the distance between navel and penis 'that inefficable sign of embryonic life in man'

. This distance is small relative to body height in man, and the navel migrates upward in fetal life, but to a lesser extent in Blacks and more in whites than Asiatics.

David Hume (the Scottish philosopher) took the alternative view, that man was disparate:

'I am apt to suspect the Negroes and in general all the other species of man (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites.

There never was a civilised nation of any other complexion than white'.

Others were less rational in their criteria. Charles White, an English surgeon , wrote that only in the white man would one find:

'that nobly arched head, containing such a quantity of brain... where that variety of features and fullness of expression, those long, flowing graceful ringlets, that majestic beard those rosy cheeks and coral lips?

Where, except on the bosom of the European woman, two such plump and snowy white hemispheres, tipt with vermilion '


'it is impossible for me to repress the feeling that they are not of the same blood as us. ....their black faces with thick lips and grimacing teeth, the wool on their heads, their bent knees, their elongated hands, their large curved nails and especially the livid colour of the palms of their hands'

Strong stuff. Agassiz rationalised the separateness of the Blacks like this. The Christian doctrine of Adam refers, of course, only to Caucasians.

The bible does not speak of things not known to the ancients. Negroes and Caucasians are as distinct in Egyptian mummified remains (3,000BC) as they are today.

The chronology of the Bible puts creation at 4004BC. Surely if they diverged so much in the first 1,000 years they would have diverged much further since.

So, the racial groups, occupying distinct geographical areas (albeit with some migration) are distinct species, created at separate centres of origin.

Allied to separateness, of course, was a pecking order and, of course, the Negroes were at the bottom.

Because of this interbreeding must be discouraged., as unnatural and repugnant.

The fact that interbreeding occurred was, of course, due to the sexual receptiveness of housemaids and the naiveté of young, white, Southern gentlemen.
Anyone that race mixes is basically saying a big F U to their family.

Interracial relationships involving a White person is like a death to our people.

Their children cancel out what could have been children of our race.

Black male and white female relationships in particular, are actually a form of hatred toward the White race.

Their half breeds are born out of lust, racial hatred and perversion.

We always hear the jokes about the Negro "getting" one of Whitey's women

. It's the truth.

And usually the more rare and recessive her genes are (red hair/green eyes/blonde hair/blue eyes) the more they seek to destroy it. (Ethnic cleansing.)

The White women who are too dumb to realize this will not carry on their bloodline and will vanish.

This is actually a very common war tactic and is recognized by organizations like Amnesty International. Except here, it is protected under the guise of "democracy" and "freedom."

Women are the targets for sexual violence during armed conflict when rape, sexual slavery and other forms of sexual abuse and assault are used as deliberate strategies of war.

Rape is employed by military forces to destabilize, humiliate and degrade a population. Forced impregnation becomes a tool of ethnic cleansing, as women are forced to bear children of another ethnicity.

As the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women has explained, "[s]ince women's sexuality is seen as being under the protection of the men of the community, its defilement is an act of domination asserting power over the males of the community or group that is under attack. . . .

Women are particular targets as they are often regarded both as representing the symbolic honour of the culture and being the genetic gatekeepers to the community."

I think it applies to non-war times also.
The collective takes precedence over the individual because the individual is not self-sufficient.

Aristotle explains this in the Politics.

"Further, the state is by nature clearly prior to the family and to the individual, since the whole is of necessity prior to the part; for example, if the whole body be destroyed, there will be no foot or hand, except in an equivocal sense, as we might speak of a stone hand; for when destroyed the hand will be no better than that.

The welfare of the collective is the highest good because it embraces all other goods. Miscegenation can't be good because it renders the collective a nullity.

"Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for mankind always act in order to obtain that which they think good. But, if all communities aim at some good, the state or political community, which is the highest of all, and which embraces all the rest, aims at good in a greater degree than any other, and at the highest good."

Why anyone would wish to bring a child into the world who is an outcast wherever he/she happens to be is beyond me. I see it as cruelty, selfishness, or misguided on the parents part.
Many people let TV(sitcoms,talk shows,etc)do their thinking for them.
Pertaining to or causing degeneration in the offspring produced [syn: cacogenic] [ant: eugenic]

The notion that marriage is a matter of pure individual choice is a radical and destructive modern idea (the consequences of which are often divorce and miscegenation).

Marriage should never be based solely on 'love' either.

Finding someone to love is important but not as an end in itself.

This Love fixation is a sub-product of individualism, which is the idea that one's petty emotions and so-called rights are above everything else, including the very things that made the existence of the individual possible.

Ignoring reality and caring only about personal needs lead to the large scale decay and decadence we can observe all around us.

By the way I'd like to point out the main source of the spread of this Love-is-All-we-Need Don't-worry-Be-Happy poison is once again a bunch of jews:
It won't matter to history whether they are in love or not.
"An honest man draws the race line in public; a hypocrite draws it at his daughter's bedroom door." - GLR
You are suffering from atomization, thinking as an individual, rather than as a member of the select group.

Just because you can pull one civil NON WHITE from the hat does not mean I do not have the right to think of racial exclusivity
In little more than three decades the countries of northwestern Europe (including Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Norway) acquired populations of non-European immigrants that are too large for the native populations to assimilate without negating or destroying their racial identity.

If their commitment to multiracialism and racial nihilism remains unchanged, and recent demographic trends in immigration, differential birthrates and racial intermixture continue, one can project that by the year 2100 the remnants of the native populations of northwest Europe will be too small to constitute a viable continuation of their previous existence.

They will be effectively extinct
There is NO greater achievement in the black community for a colored buck than to nail a blond, best example is one O.J. Simpson & his second, white wife [once he had money his first, black wife was disposable].

The ultimate trophy, the finest hood ornament money can buy.

Nothing says "SCREW YOU" to a white man more than to be hanging all over his women at a dance club, etc.
If all we want is a place to live with our own...
Then why is our cross so heavy?
I won't be cheated, I won't be wronged and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them.
J.B. Books

The white population of the world has dwindled alarmingly from 33% in the 1930,s to what it is today of around 10%, only 2% of the worlds population are white females of child bearing age, meanwhile negroid and mongoloid races and cultures have exploded .

race is real, race is more than skin deep, we are not all bloody equal, we did not all come from africa..we caucasoids came from the cro magnon man, negroids and mongoloids did not.


1. Racial Diversity -- Defines racial diversity, the conditions that
created it and the conditions that are required for its continuation



Oakland's Third World police department finds out about incident thanks to the internet

A horrifying video highlighted

The video depicts an apparently White young woman being savagely beaten by a mob of Blacks in Oakland, California.
White Girl Caught Dating Black Man, Gets Pummeled Video
Interracial Relationships | Interracial Marriage Is Genocide

The birthrate of mixed-race children is rising steadily, while the birthrate for white children continues to drop. If the prevalence of interracial marriage and mating continues, the white race will eventually become extinct.

Men and women of European lineage who enter into unions with members of other races are polluting the European people


In many respects, race-mixers share similar problems as those people who suffer from alcoholism or drug-addiction, which themselves must be viewed inside a schizoid world dominated by self-indulgence and self-hate, escape from reality and self-destruction, denial of the future and flight from the present, etc.

We often hear people justify race-mixing and other forms of degenerative self-indulgence as being "a person's own business" - as if to say that it is not our business what sort of society we live in, no matter how bad sociopaths wish to make it.
It's been proven that keeping genes pure makes stronger more intelligent offspring.

People pay high dollar for pure dogs and horses.

When the Aztec Indians ruled South America etc they built an empire from rock, sticks and dirt.

When the Spanish came and mixed with them a new mixed "race" formed that hasn't accomplished anything but invent a new type of burrito every now and then.

It's always been fact that the closer to purity a race is the better off.



("Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" - Gal. 4:16)
"The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. They are the mixture of all the bad races on earth, and they get worse from west to east, because the eastern ones have had more crosses [racial mixing]."

~George S. Patton, in his personal diary
"Wherever you find the Negro everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the White man you see everything around him improving."
~ Robert E. Lee, May l865

"We entered a synagogue which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. Either these Displaced Persons never had any sense of decency or else they lost it all during their period of interment by the Germans...My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years."

Source: After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Post War Germany,
Michael Brenner, 1997, P. 15, Princeton University Press.

The White Picket Fence

**For the glory of the LORD- For the future of our kin- For the White Christian South** “…do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” ~Nehemiah 4:14
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." -George Washington
There is no Human Race

by Robert Frenz

11 July 1999

The propaganda served up by both the churches, the controlled-media and the government, all reiterate the observable nonsense that all of the talking apes belong to a single species -- Homo sapiens. For the purposes of control, one can see the usefulness of such a device by people wishing to control massive populations, sell them trinkets and/or to pursue other sorts of short-range objectives.

"Negro Equality! Fudge! How long in this government of God, great enough to make and maintain this universe, shall there continue to be knaves to vend and fools to gulp so low a piece of demagoguism as this?" - Abraham Lincoln. September 1859
"There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of white and black races." - Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, 1857.

"Any unchecked mongrelizing destroys the symmetry of a national type." - The Very Reverend. Dean Inge. D.D. Late Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral
"If it were entire separation, two separate countries with separate cultures and governments,there would be much to be said for it." - Dr. Fisher, late Archbishop of Canterbury

"The races differ in constitution, in acclimatisation, and liability to certain diseases. Their mental characteristics are also very distinct." - Charles Darwin.
"Basing their ideas on the concept of the brotherhood of man, certain writers, who are mostly social anthropologists, consider it immoral to study race and produce book after book exposing it as a myth.

Their prudery about race is equaled by the horror of the Victorian prudery about sex.

These writers are not physical anthropologists but the public does not know the difference." - Prof. C.S Coon.

"I would have thought very few geneticists express views minimizing genetic effects and racial characteristics." - Sir Julian Huxley ....
"Man scans with scrupulous care the character and pedigree of his horses, cattle, and dogs before he matches them; but when he comes to his own marriage he rarely, or never, takes any such care." - Charles Darwin (The Descent of Man).

"The call of assimilation, in all its multi-faceted aspects, is a soul-destroying tragedy that quenches the altar-fires of our faith and idealism, leaving only the cold ashes of a forgotten glory, of a rejected mission, of a trust betrayed." - Israel Abrahams, Chief Rabbi South Africa, South African Jewish Times, September 1964
"No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history. Language and religion do not make race, only blood does that."- from the novel Endymion by Benjamin Disraeli.


"We are opposed to integration.

It is a bad thing and we condemn it.

Why should we destroy our identity?

We love our black skins and we are proud of our heritage. Our country is open to all people of African descent." - President Tubman of Liberia.
"Bluebirds like to be together, eagles hang out with eagles, sparrows stick with sparrows,buzzards go with buzzards. They're all birds, but they go with their own." - Muhammad Ali. (Cassius Clay) "It is against God's law to integrate.
It's only nature, not hatred, to keep people among their own kind. A man has to be a fool to want to live in any other culture but his own." - Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay, World Champion Boxer). .
"In times of unrighteousness and disorder, women become corrupted; from the corruption of women comes the mixing of races; and from this comes all evil." - The Bhagavad Gita
ps homsexual degeneracy is a mental illness not politically correct i know but correct nonetheless.

Scary black conference on CSPAN says Whites need to be exterminated.
He actually said it and said it loud and proud and the whole place applauded him.

This was on CSPAN. National TV my friends. I just about wanted to destroy my television. I had visions of my children being slaughtered by blacks.

I couldn't believe it.... this is MAINSTREAM BLACK TALK, not some underground local cable tv show. Did ANYONE happen to watch this garbage?

The event takes place at the Howard Univ. School of Law, in Washington, DC.
10/14/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 4 hr.

The time is actually 3 hours 33 minutes, the actual call for extermination comes at 3:41:33.

They also said they invited guests to join them

GUESS,,,not very hard,,,give up,

The womens movement.

Oh yeah, nothing like having a bunch of white hoes wanting to prove their non racial as you scream Kill Whitey.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone.
Jews think the white race should be destroyed as well..

Noel Ignatiev (white Harvard professor and editor of "Race Traitor" magazine) -- "Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed." [Robert Boatman, "Trent Lott's of the Left," (online), January 3, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)
Sudanese arrested for trying to spread AIDS
More reason to avoid all contact with these people.....,00.html

Thanks for nothing Amanda Vanstone, you waste of space.
Could French-Style Riots Happen Here?

Aztlan leader warns of anti-White bloodbath

While Many Americans are watching the chaos unfold following 12 nights of mayhem by largely Muslim immigrants in the streets of France, a leader of the separatist Aztlan movement in the U.S. says it's only a matter of time before worse unrest hits the streets of America.

"Can a similar insurrection occur in the USA?" asks Ernesto Cienfuegos of La Voz de Aztlan.

Yes, he concludes.

George P. Bush (son of Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his Mexican-born wife Columba, and nephew of the President speaking to a gathering of Hispanics) -- ". . . we have to fight for our race, we have to find the leaders who represent us."[Reuters, Aug. 2, 2000.] (added 2/05/03)
AIDS, Africans, and Fags..still infected

...and so are we as we allow them into our communities.

Astonishingly insightfull UN report states that gays (brace yoursleves) are still on top for having higest AIDS rates in the country. Wow give me a moment to wrap my head around that shocker...gee next thing you know they will be stating that blacks are a high risk demographic as well...wait a minute...what the...they are!?

Whats this world comming to when balcks and fags are droping off in record numbers, its as though nature has just turned against them I guess. Nature is just a great big racist and a homophobe. Come on everyone, down with nature


Media Moralists: The Ultrahypocrites

Pro-White music is 'shocking evil' -- but calling for the murder of Whites is 'legitimate discourse.' Such is the paradigm of the controlled media.

DID YOU happen to catch the ABC News Primetime hit piece on Prussian Blue, the musical group consisting of two White girls who sing about White solidarity, White history, and White preservation?

After watching this latest offering of a dying TV network (ABC) it was clear to me what the hypocrites and slanderers of the media are after: White is bad; non-White is good.

(ILLUSTRATION: The host of the ABC hit piece attacking Prussian Blue, Cynthia McFadden, accepting an award for her television 'journalism' from GLAAD, a homosexual group.)

But apparently it’s okay for a psychotic Black "intellectual" with graying dreadlocks to get on C-SPAN and tell the world Blacks need to exterminate Whites in order to survive. Did you catch that?
download broadcast
rest of story
Haunani-Kay Trask (Professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and author of the following poem)

Racist White Woman,I could kick Your face, puncture Both eyes.

You deserve this kind Of violence.

No more vicious Tongues, obscene Lies.

Just a knife Slitting your tight Little heart.

For all my people Under your feet
For all those years Lived smug and wealthy Off our land
Parasite arrogant,A fist In your painted Mouth, thick
With money And piety

[Ryan O'Donnell, "Hate America Professor,", June 25, 2003.]
Refugee diseases 'never seen before'
FOREIGN diseases are appearing for the first time in hospitals across Sydney and New South Wales because of the Federal Government's failure to screen refugees, health officials have warned.
See also: Experts worn of foreign disease outbreak
Thanks to you tolerant fools, for your wonderful refugee program and all the benefits it brings.
Don't like it? What are you, racist or something? Diversity is strength, silly
Samuel Lin (Asian student at the University of California at Berkeley on what should be done about white men who date Asian women) - "I think we should f---in' kill them all. Get your own ladies. Stick to your own flavor." [Carrie Chang, "White Light," Monolid Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1.](added 4/10/03)
Carrie Chang (writer for Monolid Magazine on an Asian friend who dated white men) - "Suffice it to say, she was not the only Asian woman I had met with a hankering for Mr. Mayonnaise or marshmallow face." [Carrie Chang, "White Light," Monolid Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1.] (added 4/10/03)
Civil War in Europe?

In fact, to have a true Civil war you have to have a fight between two sections of the same population - Catholics and Protestants, or Monarchists and Republicans, or slave owners and non slave owners.

What is happening in Europe is just the first chapter of what has been termed “The Eurabian War” between Muslims and Europeans.

The fight has already spread far from the suburbs of Paris and now over 300 cities and villages in France are experiencing Muslims rampaging in their streets.

Worse, the fight has spread over the border to Belgium and Germany. Other European countries will not be far behind.

The Philadelphia Inquirer says ‘William Pfaff, the best informed of American commentators, no longer believes that people of profoundly different traditions can live side by side in the same country.

From Toledo, Ohio,New Oleans, Belgium,Denmark,Redfern(Aus), WA (Australia) , Cronulla,Mourabra,(nsw Aus),NT(Aus), Queensland (Aus),Spain,Portugal,Birmingham to Toulouse in France the sparks have been lit in an inter-racial and inter-cultural war that will burn for years.

Philadelphia Inquirer

A light hearted opinion piece can be round at:

Daily Telegraph, London;jsessionid=521BZK2VDJPW5QFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/opinion/2005/11/08/do0802.xml&sSheet=/opinion/2005/11/08/ixopinion.html

Reality 101
-One big happy human family?
- Race 101 -
Race vs species
- Species 101

Modern education - Equipping the next generation or just plain brainwashing?
Schools are NOT in the business of teaching you to think for yourself!
History is in the eye of the beholder
. And he who defines, controls.

OK, so if this is really about hate, then what is hate?
And if that’s hate, then I guess the whole world is just one big bunch of happy haters!
Not to mention discriminators too!

If you've ever been sold the notion that "violence never solved anything" - then I suggest you demand a refund!
So rise and shine, white folks - there’s gonna be interesting times ahead.*tless.htm

And when you are on the bottom, your first task is to look up.

White autonomy
Politically Incorrect Science by leading Scientists? Surely not?

Jews as a Race sourced from recent Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals!
If you raise a non-Jewish child as a Jew, will that person be Jewish? Isn't Jewishness just another culture or religion that one can learn?

Under Jewish law, a child's religion depends on the religion of the birth parents. If a birth mother is Jewish, the baby is Jewish. ...A child who is not born Jewish does not become Jewish merely by being adopted into a Jewish family and raised as a Jew.
- by Robyn A. Friedman, Judaism's Views on Adoption, Atlanta Parent, Nov. 1998
K. R. McKilliam B.A. Hons

Slavery Today!
K. R. McKilliam B.A. Hons.
The white Caucasoid race especially that section settled in North West Europe are the most intelligent of the races. Their intelligence, skills and energy have created the whole of modern technology. They are the producers of real wealth from raw materials. Ever since the times of William III aliens settling in the British Isles have used this creativity of our race to gather to themselves the profit by USURY, the lending of purchasing power credit money at compound interest. We are now in debt to international bankers and financiers to the tune of billions of pounds and never will be able to pay back the principal together with the interest and as a result the value of our currency continually diminishes.



Despite Margaret Thatcher's explosive speech "We are being swamped" and the Tory Party's promise to stop immigration from the third world to gain your vote, immigration from the coloured world continues at an accelerated pace. No sooner had the Tory party gained power than they began allowing in thousands of ethnic Chinese The Boat People, many of whom gained their wealth providing for the needs, moral and immoral, of the United States troops in Vietnam.

The Daily Telegraph printed recently the report from the Home Office that 19,000 immigrants were accepted for settlement for the first quarter of 1980. This is the highest number of immigrants for the first quarter for four years.

About half a million Iranians have flooded into our country and when the government demanded visas they went to Ireland and are now entering with Irish passports. They finance themselves with the drugs they bring in to further debauch the people of our nation and having settled in, pretend to be students, open up night clubs and live on ladies of easy virtue.

The Daily Telegraph of 12th July, 1980 printed: "Since 1969 the country of birth of all parents had been recorded and while increasingly children of New Commonwealth descent were born to parents who had themselves been born in Britain, the figures still showed that the proportion is increasing.

In England and Wales overall proportion of births to New Commonwealth and Pakistan (NCWF) mothers as a proportion of all birth rose from 72 per thousand in 197 to 78 per thousand in 1977 and 81 per thousand in 1978; one birth in every twelve. In the individual London boroughs the proportion continued to increase between 1977 and 1978: In Brent it is 45% in Newham 38% In Lambeth 32% and in Greater London as a whole it is 22% more than one birth in five.


Margaret Thatcher is only carrying out the instructions of the United Nations Organization from whom all the old parties take their orders. Once in power they are no longer responsible to the people who elect them but to their international cosmopolitan bosses. The government departments have a full quota of aliens, many using English names and whose parents come into this country between the two world wars. They ensure that the plans laid down for our national destruction are carried out. Since we have signed the United Nations Charter the Privy Council is bound to put into operation the provisions of the charter.


The United Nations Charter has declared in its conventions that there will be international interbreeding and the establishment of a uniform population throughout the world. That there will be a uniform educational system and that it will work towards a one world religion --‘ Humanism. That there will be a one world police force and a one world monetary system.



The British people have not been told that Marxist philosophy is behind the government's racial and educational policies. Earl Marx (Moses Mordecai Levi) was the son and grandson of Rabbis. The Charter of the United Nations was drafted in great secrecy at Dumbarton Oaks by Alger Hiss the chief planner and executor of the project and who became secretary general. Alger Hiss, a Khazar "Jew", was a senior Communist agent in the United States who was convicted and imprisoned for perjury in 1950 for denying that he was an agent of the U.S.S.R. He was assisted in drafting the charter by Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to Washington and now Soviet Minister for Foreign Affairs. Gromyko stated, as reported in the Daily Telegraph. August 23rd 1958:* "Believe me, I sit here as one who helped to draft the U.N. Charter with my own hands." In "Time" magazine, 16th August 1953 appeared a speech by representative Usher Burdick of the American House of Representatives in which he stated:‑ "Who were the principal movers at San Francisco for this United Nations Charter? Who wrote the Charter? And who had the most to do with shaping its provisions? The answer is that the Russian Communists and Alger Hiss. a representative of our State Department. were the prime movers in arranging its provisions. That is the same Alger Hiss who was convicted of Perjury when he denied sending secret material to the Soviet Union representatives. Its very beginning gave this document a bad odour."

The UN emblem was designed by a U. S. government departmental head, a secret Communist party member

Note the similarity between the emblem of the United Nations and the emblem of the Soviet Union.

David Ben Gurion in "Time" magazine, 16th August 1948 wrote: "The United Nations is a Jewish ideal." James P. Warburg. Khazar "Jew" and member of an influential banking family arrogantly proclaimed before the United States Senate on 17th February 1950‘ "We shall have world government whether we like it or not. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent." The United Nations is therefore the prototype of world government with ministries such as the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Educational and Scientific and Cultural Organization and so on. The United Nations is staffed by Khazar "Jews".

The Under Secretary for Politics and Security of the United Nations is a Soviet citizen always appointed by the U.S.S.R. In the no‑win wars of Korea and Vietnam all military orders of the American generals had to be submitted to this official for approval before they could be put into operation and so the real enemy, international Communism, knew every move of the American forces of the United Nations. This was why the Americans always held back when the Communists needed to regroup, bring up reserves or waited for supplies. This is why General McArthur was relieved of his Command because he wanted to finish the war by bombing the bridges over which the Chinese were sending supplies to the North Koreans. Many thousands of white Americans ware killed or maimed in these no‑win wars. Hundreds of white Americans are still in the hands of the Chinese and North Koreans. The British Minister who ordered the British Troops (the Gloucesters) to serve with the U.N. forces is responsible for the death of our own kith and kin. While the Americans were fighting the North Vietnamese, British cargo ships were unloading war materials for the North Vietnamese at their port of Haiphong.


Arthur Koestler, himself a Khazar "Jew", has shown in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe" that 88% of those calling themselves Jews today are not of Semite stock, not descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but are Mongol‑Turks who were converted to Judaism in the 7th and 8th centuries by the decree of their ruler Bhulan. They were a race of slavers and traders with their capital Itil on the shores of the Caspian Sea near the modern city of Astrakhan. This fact is verified in the Jewish Chronicle colour magazine of the 9th of June 1978. page 21, In reviewing Koestler's book the final paragraph reads:‘ "From the fragmentary pieces of information historians may justifiably conjecture that a substantial part, and perhaps the majority of Eastern Jews ‘ and hence of world Jewry ‘ might be of Khazar and not of Semetic origin."

In the same article an exchange of letters in Hebrew is referred to between Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, chief minister of the Sultan of Cordoba, Moorish Spain and Joseph, King of the Khazars, written about A.D. 958. Joseph began by praising his ancestor Bhulan for converting his people to Judaism. The Khazars claimed the status of THE CHOSEN RACE by reason of their own covenant with the Almighty even though they are not descended from Abraham's seed. Joseph then proceeds to provide the genealogy of his own people. Though a fierce "Jewish" nationalist proud of wielding the sceptre of Judah. he can not and does not claim ancestry from Shem but from Noah's third son, Japheth, or more precisely from Japheth’s grandson. Togarmah, the ancestor of the Turkish tribes (see 38th and 39th Chapters of Ezekiel).

Joseph writes in his letter:‘ "We have found in the family register of our fathers that Togarmah had ten sons and the names of the offspring are as follows:‘ Uigur, Dursu. Avars. Huns. Basili. Tarniakh. Khazar, Zagora, Bulgar and Sabir. We are the sons of Khazar the seventh."

This race of non‘Hebrew people have adapted the exclusiveness of the Semite Jew, counting themselves THE CHOSEN RACE and are their own Messiah. They have adapted the Babylonian Talmud as their own and upon this book are based the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, their plan for the overthrow and destruction of all other races of men and the establishment of their world rule.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, No. III: "When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of all the world to be crowned, it is with these same hands which will sweep everything that might be a hindrance thereto. Ever since the time we have been leading the people from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favour of that king despot of Zion whom we are preparing for the world."

Kaufman Kohler in Systematic Theology of Judaism says, "The title of Messias is henceforth conferred on the people of Israel itself. In the end, Israel, the suffering Messias, will become the peoples' Messias, victorious and crowned."

Dr. Joseph Klausner in The Messianic Idea In Israel, (Macmillan Company (New York 1955) wrote, “Thus the whole people Israel in the form of the elect of the nations gradually became the Messiah of the world, the redeemer of mankind."

They have got into their hands the power of the purse and issue the purchasing power of *the nations through their control of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Theodore Hertzl. A founder of modern Zionism, wrote in "The Jewish State":- "When we Jews sink we be*come a revolutionary proletariat (communistic) and when we rise, there arises also our terrible power of the purse (capitalistic)." They have terrorized the Semite Jew and aim to take over the whole earth by organized revolu*tion, indoctrinating and using the people who are their victims for this purpose.

War correspondent Douglas Reed in "Far and Wide," republished under the title "Behind the Scenes," writes:‘ "Political Zionism and Soviet Communism both grew up side by side in Jewish areas of Czarist Russia, within Jewish families living under the same roof tree ... the destructive achievement, in both the Zionist and the Communist aspect came from Jews in the Russia of the Romanoffs: THAT IS THE KEY TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. The Jews who made those two great movements WERE NOT SEMITES: on that point all qualified authorities agree; their forebears never knew "The hills of your ancestors." They were descendants of a Russian Mongol‑Turk race converted to Judaism in the 7th century whose remote ancestors never trod the Palestinian soil ... Their two destructive exploits are astounding, considered as feats, like those of weight lifters, but still are less extraordinary than the submission to them of leading Gentile politicians (and clergy, teachers, union officials and newsmen) in the Christian West during the last forty years...The way in which this overlordship has been imposed on the Christian West is wonderful and fascinating to study. It has all been done so quickly and with such skill."

The Khazar "Jews" began coming into Britain in numbers in the 1880's after one of their number, Hesia Helfman, had murdered the Czar Alexander II. Alexander had offended the Rothschilds by sending his fleet to aid the Americans in their civil war. The Khazar "Jew" William Fishman wrote in "The East End Radicals":‘ "The religious and tribal communities, led by the rabbis and centred on the synagogues and houses of study, preserved islands Jewish identity in a foreign sea. But the Jewish Illuminati, the descendants of the 18th century enlightenment, the radicals of various strains such as the Marxists, rationalists and secularists carried on the class war and the fight against autocracy from the heart of the East End ghetto. They were the same breed as the Jewish idealists who helped to make the Russian Revolution before being devoured by Stalin (a national communist.) From London, Manchester, Paris and York they carried on their plotting of the overthrow of Czarist Russia and the revolution in the country which had given them sanctuary.

The next batch came in between the two wars. These were a more educated bunch all English speakers who entered our places of learning, many changing their names. They gained teaching posts in our universities, colleges and schools and began the indoctrination of our people with the new theories of Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Politics and Education. They have infiltrated into all facets of our national life. For example, one of their number is Ygael Gluckstein, founder of the Socialist Workers Party a Communist revolutionary who deceives us with the name Tony Cliff. Gluckstein is an Israeli citizen.


The Khazar "Jew", Rabbi Rabbinovitch stated at a special meeting of the emergency council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12th 1952: "Our control commission, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter‑racial tension, will forbid the whites to cohabit with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of peace and plenty, the Pax Judiaca, and our race will rule undisputed over a world of dark peoples.... we will openly reveal our identity with the races of Africa and Asia." This speech was recorded in full in the U.S. publication "Common Sense" and reprinted in the September 1952 issue of the Canadian Intelligence Service. Thus you see that with a few exceptions, every Khazar "Jew" is working for the complete destruction of the White Race and of the British people. They are using Jewry as a device to gain world control.

Israel Cohen, a communist spokesman in England in 1912 wrote a book "A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century setting out communist policy. The following is an extract from this book which was entered into the U.S. Congressional Record for June 7th 1957 (page 7633). "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the programme of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for subtle victory.

While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige the Negro will begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Source - Jewish Encyclopedia,1925

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